Where Must You Store Potentially Hazardous Food

Potentially hazardous foods are foods that require temperature control to prevent the growth of food poisoning bacteria or the formation of toxins. They should be kept below **41°F** (for cold foods) or above **135°F** (for hot foods) except during necessary preparation time or a short display period. Potentially hazardous foods include foods containing eggs, dairy products like milk, cream, and fresh custard. Raw food like meat and seafood should be stored separately or below ready-to-eat foods to avoid contamination from meat juices.

A food thermometer is required if potentially hazardous foods will be served.

Here are some tips on how to store potentially hazardous food safely:
- Keep storage areas clean, dry and free of pests.
- Use food-safe containers, covers and packaging to protect food.
- Store potentially hazardous food at 5°C or colder – check it with a thermometer.
- Store raw food like meat and seafood separately or below ready-to-eat foods to avoid contamination from meat juices .